Feb 24-3: Listen
As the seasons change, so too do your needs. Your conditioning around worth came from a faulty source. Consider the inner tyrant of your mind to be a false narrator-it has the wrong script written by someone who cannot see reality clearly. Take refuge in the fact that you can always rely on your intuitive nature-even if you cannot access this part, know that it is there for you, secretly housed within your body, the subtleties of your emotions, and found within the question, “what do I need in this moment?”.
The challenging part is allowing those answers to come, unobstructed by the doubting mind, which wants to place all sorts of qualifications and rationalizations around the truth. This week, let your needs and feelings speak! You are not hard of hearing, metaphorically speaking, you’ve just been conditioned to believe that what comes forward is somehow incorrect.
Place that belief to the side. Radically lean into what your feelings and needs are telling you. Don’t worry if they don’t make sense-the making sense comes after the implementation of their instructions. If you are angry, set a boundary. If you are sad, let yourself mourn. If you need space, say so.