This book was written for you, the adult daughter of a narcissistic mother.

Having a narcissistic mother is an exquisite sort of pain. As children, regardless of age, we want our mothers love. When we don’t get it, or when it’s based on conditions, we lose a piece of ourselves. I hope I can help you reclaim that lost piece, and return it back to you, where it can be nurtured by your own inner mother.

The path out of narcissistic abuse is one rooted in the self, ironically. Meaning, the way into the healing space you crave will require your full on acceptance of who you are. There was never anything wrong with you, but your narcissistic mother made you believe otherwise.

You thought you weren’t enough in some way, or maybe in all the ways, but in truth, you’ve always been enough. You’ve just forgotten how to recognize that. My hope for you in this book is to meet yourself with open arms. Welcome her back into your inner home and see her as worthy of love. Let your journey begin.