March 12-19: Ditches

Do yourself a favor and step into your body and breath this week.  When your mind goes on a tear, purposefully take a sigh and let your stomach relax.  You know how easy it is to get pulled along for the ride.  This time, you get to be the one in the driver’s seat.  How many times have you sat back and let the rumination and “what if’s?” take the wheel? Where do they lead you? The ditches aren’t the only parts of the road.  Sometimes when we make it our life’s mission to avoid those ditches, we end up unconsciously looking for them and reinforcing their presence. 

Let the ditches be part of the road, but not all of it.  When your mind starts to say, “yes, but”, interrupt it kindly by saying, “not right now”.  Keep that going the way you would a puppy dog who keeps wanting on your lap while you’re working.  Be kind, gentle, yet direct in your boundaries.  This puppy dog will eventually yield and you’ll be able to get back to it.


March 20-27: Sensitivity


March 4-11: Stories