June: Awakening
If you’ve been craving change of some kind, but haven’t made any moves towards it, this month might push you deeper into looking into the why. There’s likely a good reason why you haven’t changed yet, even if logically it doesn’t make any sense. Look at the part of you that resists change and ask it, “what are you afraid of?”. What does it say? It’s likely you’ll discover it’s afraid of you getting hurt in some way.
Change is scary, even if you’ve been daydreaming about it longingly. The reason why change is scary is because it requires that you lean into uncertainty and drop the need for a specific outcome. You are essentially a chemist in a lab, tenderly mixing two compounds together to see what they do. You don’t know if they’ll blow up, create a colorful swirl, or become the next Nobel Prize winner.
You could inadvertently discover the cure for cancer or nothing at all. And that’s why change is so scary: You don’t actually know what you will find on the other side. One thing that remains true though is you. Hold fast to the promise that regardless of what happens, you’ll still be you, only you’ll have newer information.
Take it slow. Breathe in and out. Time is only linear if you want it to be.